Thursday 3 November 2016

Advertising : An Effective Means of Communication Between Consumers & Providers

Advertising includes paid company or product messages delivered to a target audience through Mass media. Advertising isn't as interactive as personal selling or direct marketing, but it does allow the advertisers a number of communication benefits specifically related to developing a long-term brand image.

Provider Control
A major reason advertisers can effectively communicate with consumers through advertising is Message control. When you pay a media provider for the time or space to present your message, you have much greater influence over the placement and content of your ad. Your business can take the time to prepare a company or product-specific message with visual and copy elements that convey your value proposition, or mix of benefits to customers.

Media Selection Opportunities
The communication vehicle you choose to communicate with also greatly impacts the effectiveness of your ads. The ideal media mix reaches the broadest market possible, with little to no wasted investment in those outside your potential customer base. If you operate a computer repair business in a local market, for example, you can promote your ad in a local computer and technology magazine. A small business with a broad target market can communicate to a preferred audience by selecting the right television or radio station at the right time of day to reach targeted customers.

Long-Term Branding
Advertising is usually your best communication method for building a long-term brand image. The control factor is important to branding because you want to present a clear, consistent message about your brand, including emphasis on factors like product quality, customer service, low price or durability. In public relations, media companies may present your company or products in different lights. You can budget for advertising over time to deliver the right volume of placements that keeps your brand on the top of people's minds.

Reach and Frequency

Two common objectives of promotional communication are wide reach and frequency. Reach refers to the total number of consumers that experience your ads. Frequency refers to the number of times on average consumers see them. Wide reach and repetition is vital to attracting a sizable customer business, building loyalty, develop a high level of brand awareness and generating revenue. You can reach customers through a single medium like television, or use a mix of media.


Media Considerations

Television advertising provides both a visual and audio impact, doubling your ability to communicate. With the proliferation of local cable networks, television is more affordable than in previous years. Television spots generally last only 30 seconds. Print advertising in newspapers and magazines lets you address potential customers for more than 30 seconds. You are limited to making an impact visually with your written words, so you'll more likely be successful if you can afford professional copywriting. Outdoor advertising on buses, billboards, cabs and benches is effective for making a quick impression, unless your sign is at an intersection. Stationary outdoor advertising helps you address regular commuters many times.


Direct Response

Direct response advertising provides a method for potential customers to contact you directly, via a return card, link to your Website or other response mechanism. Direct mail allows you to send your message directly into the homes of your potential customers. List brokers can help you create highly targeted lists. Direct mail is considered "junk mail" by many consumers and often ends up in the trash. Internet advertising allows you to target potential customers who perform Google and other search engine searches using keywords related to your business. You pay a per-click fee per ad, but have no idea who is viewing your ad.