Thursday 3 November 2016

Advertising : An Effective Means of Communication Between Consumers & Providers

Advertising includes paid company or product messages delivered to a target audience through Mass media. Advertising isn't as interactive as personal selling or direct marketing, but it does allow the advertisers a number of communication benefits specifically related to developing a long-term brand image.

Provider Control
A major reason advertisers can effectively communicate with consumers through advertising is Message control. When you pay a media provider for the time or space to present your message, you have much greater influence over the placement and content of your ad. Your business can take the time to prepare a company or product-specific message with visual and copy elements that convey your value proposition, or mix of benefits to customers.

Media Selection Opportunities
The communication vehicle you choose to communicate with also greatly impacts the effectiveness of your ads. The ideal media mix reaches the broadest market possible, with little to no wasted investment in those outside your potential customer base. If you operate a computer repair business in a local market, for example, you can promote your ad in a local computer and technology magazine. A small business with a broad target market can communicate to a preferred audience by selecting the right television or radio station at the right time of day to reach targeted customers.

Long-Term Branding
Advertising is usually your best communication method for building a long-term brand image. The control factor is important to branding because you want to present a clear, consistent message about your brand, including emphasis on factors like product quality, customer service, low price or durability. In public relations, media companies may present your company or products in different lights. You can budget for advertising over time to deliver the right volume of placements that keeps your brand on the top of people's minds.

Reach and Frequency

Two common objectives of promotional communication are wide reach and frequency. Reach refers to the total number of consumers that experience your ads. Frequency refers to the number of times on average consumers see them. Wide reach and repetition is vital to attracting a sizable customer business, building loyalty, develop a high level of brand awareness and generating revenue. You can reach customers through a single medium like television, or use a mix of media.


Media Considerations

Television advertising provides both a visual and audio impact, doubling your ability to communicate. With the proliferation of local cable networks, television is more affordable than in previous years. Television spots generally last only 30 seconds. Print advertising in newspapers and magazines lets you address potential customers for more than 30 seconds. You are limited to making an impact visually with your written words, so you'll more likely be successful if you can afford professional copywriting. Outdoor advertising on buses, billboards, cabs and benches is effective for making a quick impression, unless your sign is at an intersection. Stationary outdoor advertising helps you address regular commuters many times.


Direct Response

Direct response advertising provides a method for potential customers to contact you directly, via a return card, link to your Website or other response mechanism. Direct mail allows you to send your message directly into the homes of your potential customers. List brokers can help you create highly targeted lists. Direct mail is considered "junk mail" by many consumers and often ends up in the trash. Internet advertising allows you to target potential customers who perform Google and other search engine searches using keywords related to your business. You pay a per-click fee per ad, but have no idea who is viewing your ad.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Shaheed Bhagat Singh's 109th birth anniversary: Inspiring quotes, sayings by the legendary freedom fighter

28th Sep 2016
Let’s bow to the courageous Shaheed Bhagat Singh on his birth anniversary. He has left an indelible mark on India's history through his bravery.
Shaheed Bhagat Singh is an icon who continues to inspire the young, and the young at heart even in the post-modern world of the Internet and funky gadgets.

Shaheed Bhagat Singh, an influential figure of India's independence movement was born to a Punjabi Sikh family in 1907. Singh founded the Indian Nationalist Youth Organisation (Naujawan Bharat Sabha) in March 1926, and assassinated a British police officer named John Saunders in 1927 along with Indian revolutionary Shivaram Rajguru to seek revenge for the death of Lala Lajpat Rai.
Singh was sentenced to death 11 hours before the ordered time in the Lahore conspiracy case on March 23, 1931. It is believed that the magistrate was not present at the time to supervise the hanging.
Very few people know that he wrote for and edited Urdu and Punjabi newspapers, published from Amritsar, as well as contributing to low-priced pamphlets published by the Naujawan Bharat Sabha that excoriated the British. He also wrote briefly for the Veer Arjun newspaper, published in Delhi, and for Kirti, the journal of the Kirti Kisan Party ("Workers and Peasants Party").

The inspiring Quotes written by him are a learning experience for all of us:

 Lovers, Lunatics and poets are made of same stuff.

 Life is lived on its own..others help is needed in funerals only.
 May the sun in his course visit no land more free, more happy, more lovely, than this our own country

 Revolution did not necessarily involve sanguinary strife. It was not a cult of bomb and pistol. They may sometimes be mere means for its achievement.

 It is beyond the power of any man to make a revolution. Neither can it be brought about on any appointed date. It is brought about by special environments, social and economic. The function of an organised party is to utilise any such opportunity offered by these circumstances.

 I emphasise that I am full of ambition and hope and of full charm of life. But I can renounce all at the time of need, and that is the real sacrifice.
 Bombs and pistols do not make a revolution. The sword of revolution is sharpened on the whetting-stone of ideas.

 The sword of revolution is sharpened on the whetting stone of ideas - Bhagat Singh in court during his trial for India's freedom struggle.
 Merciless criticism and independent thinking are the two necessary traits of revolutionary thinking.

 Every tiny molecule of Ash is in motion with my heat. I am such a Lunatic that I am free even in Jail. - Jail Note Book of Bhagat Singh (1929)
 Non-violence is backed by the theory of soul-force in which suffering is courted in the hope of ultimately winning over the opponent. But what happens when such an attempt fail to achieve the object? It is here that soul-force has to be combined with physical force so as not to remain at the mercy of tyrannical and ruthless enemy.
 The sanctity of law can be maintained only so long as it is the expression of the will of the people.

The most famous Poem written by Bismil Azimabadi "Sarfrosh Ki Tamanna" is also associated with the great revolutionary Bhagat Singh.
Bhagat Singh is still seen as the role model by a large number of young people in India. His sense of sacrifice, patriotism and courage are something that will be revered and looked upon by generations to come.

Friday 23 September 2016

Strange way to enhance the results: Take Breaks!!!

Working for continuous hours can cause boredom, even in our most interesting tasks and can hinder our work performance. Basically, the human brain just wasn’t built for the extended focus we ask of it these days. Our brains are vigilant all the time because they evolved to detect tons of different changes to ensure our very survival. So focusing so hard on one thing for a long time isn’t something we’re ever going to be great at (at least for a few centuries).The good news is that the fix for this unfocused condition is simple—all we need is a brief interruption (aka a break) to get back on track.
Breaks help us retain information and make connections: Studies have shown that the mind solves its stickiest problems while daydreaming—something you may have experienced while driving or taking a shower. Breakthroughs that seem to come out of nowhere are often the product of diffuse mode thinking.
Breaks help us re-evaluate our goals: When you work on a task continuously, it’s easy to lose focus and get lost in the weeds. In contrast, following a brief intermission, picking up where you left off forces you to take a few seconds to think globally about what you’re ultimately trying to achieve. It’s a practice that encourages us to stay mindful of our objectives…
This awesome concept has been used by “KITKAT” from years to sell chocolates. KitKat first introduced its 'Have a break, have a KitKat' strapline way back in 1958. Since then the brand has thrived off its connection with taking a break in a hectic world and has often used humour to get this message across. Until relatively recently, TV, print and billboard ads delivered the message to the public, identifying key ‘little annoyances’ and suggesting that people should remedy them with a break and naturally…a KitKat. Further “KITKAT” has embedded this concept with the most innovative ads.
Take a break and enjoy your surroundings

Take a break,and feel refreshed

Take a break,and get funsome ideas
Keeping a flow with the increase in innovations in technology and popularity of social media, “KITKAT” is launching a new app that gives social media users a break by posting status updates on their behalf. Social Break automatically sends status updates to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. It is currently available for free at
Now you can take social media break with- "KITKAT"

The success of “KITKAT” is contributed by consistency of the central idea but great innovations in advertising. Innovative advertisements create enthusiasm in the customer for the product and sells it with ease...
Gemini Advertising is also working towards achieving the customer satisfaction by composure and direction of experience and blending it with dedication towards building the most innovative and promising advertisements.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Syrian Crisis: Soliciting Joint Effort: On International Peace Day

Syria’s civil war is the worst humanitarian crisis of our time. Half the country’s pre-war population — more than 11 million people — have been killed or forced to flee their homes. Families are struggling to survive inside Syria, or make a new home in neighboring countries. Others are risking their lives on the way to Europe, hoping to find acceptance and opportunity. And harsh winters and hot summers make life as a refugee even more difficult. At times, the effects of the conflict can seem overwhelming.
When did the crisis start? Anti-government demonstrations began in March of 2011, part of the Arab Spring. But the peaceful protests quickly escalated after the government's violent crackdown, and rebels began fighting back against the regime. By July, army defectors had loosely organized the Free Syrian Army and many civilian Syrians took up arms to join the opposition. Divisions between secular and Islamist fighters, and between ethnic groups, continue to complicate the politics of the conflict.
What is happening to Syrians caught in the war? More than five years after it began, the full-blown civil war has killed over 250,000 people, half of whom are believed to be civilians. Bombings are destroying crowded cities and horrific human rights violations are widespread. Basic necessities like food and medical care are sparse. The number of refugees is increasing tremendously.

Being a refugee is never a choice...

Alan Kurdi , initially reported as Aylan Kurdi, was a three-year-old Syrian boy whose image made global headlines after he drowned on 2 September 2015 in the Mediterranean Sea.He and his family were Syrian Refugees trying to reach Europe amid the European refugee crisis . Photographs of his body were taken by Turkish journalist Nilüfer Demir and quickly spread around the world, prompting international responses.
Humanity Washed Ashore...
The photograph of Kurdi's body caused international outrage. French President François Hollande phoned Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and some European leaders after the images of Kurdi emerged in the media. He said that the picture must be a reminder of the world's responsibility regarding refugees.Prayer events and moments of silence were held by various organisations including those held by NGOs
Peace Process for Syria-Conflict The initiatives and plans to resolve the Syrian Civil War, which has ravaged in Syria since 2011 and has spilled beyond its borders. The attempts to find a solution to the conflict began in late 2011, when the Arab League launched two initiatives, but without much success. Russia in January 2012 and in November 2013 suggested talks in Moscow between the Syrian government and opposition. In March–May 2012, hopes were on a United Nations/Arab League plan coordinated by Kofi Annan. In January and February 2014, the Geneva II Conference on Syria took place, organized by Lakhdar Brahimi, then UN envoy to Syria. On 30 October 2015, further talks started in Vienna involving officials from the US, the EU, Russia,China and various regional actors such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and, for the first time, Iran. The Geneva peace talks on Syria, also known as Geneva III, are intended peace negotiations between the Syrian government and opposition in Geneva under the auspices of the UN.
The whole world needs to unite and work with a common vision of “International Peace” to reduce the sufferings of Syrian people and to avoid any such situation in future. Alongwith Syrian Crisis , the growing threat of Nuclear wars has also made it all the more important for us to observe and propagate peace with a great enthusiasm so as to instill a sense of Peace all around the world.

Monday 12 September 2016

Pokemon Go is a wildly popular AR (augmented reality) game from Nintendo that has become a social media and pop culture craze. Millions of people are playing Pokemon Go to “catch Pokemon” with their smartphones -- but this is no ordinary video game. Pokemon Go offers a unique new video game format that combines mobile technology with real-life locations. Pokemon Go is a wildly popular AR (augmented reality) game from Nintendo that has become a social media and pop culture craze. Millions of people are playing Pokemon Go to “catch Pokemon” with their smartphones -- but this is no ordinary video game. Pokemon Go offers a unique new video game format that combines mobile technology with real-life locations. Players can find, “lure” and catch Pokemon at real-life locations, requiring them to explore their local neighborhoods, cities, parks and public spaces. Pokemon Go is creating surprising new types of connections and human interactions, and the full impact of this type of game on the way people live, communicate and shop could be quite profound.

Even if you don't know what a "Pokemon" is, this is an exciting time for anyone in the marketing and sales field. Pokemon Go is a sign of the growing convergence between mobile technology and real life interaction, and there are surprising implications here for the way companies market and sell. The rise of  it and augmented reality technology is going to make it possible for people to interact in new ways that blur the boundaries of “online” and real life, and this is going to require new levels of innovation and creativity from sales and marketing strategies.

Pokémon GO is generating almost $3 million a day from in-app purchases for a total of $233 million by the end of last month.

Digital marketing is already moving at frightening speed. The popularity of augmented reality is going to create a great buzz in the digital advertising market…
You can also make use of POKEMON GO for your  local business promotion:
Ø Generate Pokestops near your business.
Ø Most pokestops are near gyms so host gym battle tournaments.
Ø Use social media ads by giving discounts on pokemon clicks at your store.
Ø Host a poke-hunt. Start and end the hunt at your store and gain popularity…

Monday 5 September 2016

Long drawn celebrations and festivities are a part of the social and cultural fabric of India. Among the many religious and social customs that mark the diverse festive calendar of Indians, is a very important religious occasion – Ganesha Chaturthi celebration is about the birth of the Elephant-headed god, Ganesha. It is celebrated with much enthusiasm especially in the states of Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.
The Festival
Ganesha Chaturthi in most places in India is a day to invoke Ganesha, the god of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune. On this day, devotees worship Ganesha idols, perform the aarti and offer prasad of fruits and sweets, especially modak, which is considered to be the favourite of Lord Ganesha. In several places, clay idols of Ganesha, big and small, are made months in advance and thousands of devotees take them home to worship. It is customary to immerse these idols in water once the festivities are over with a prayer requesting the god to visit his devotees again the following year.

In Maharashtra
Ganesha Chaturthi is especially popular in Maharashtra, where the festival was invoked by the Maratha ruler Shivaji and then reinstated by political thinker and freedom fighter Bal Gangadhar Tilak. The festivities here last for about 10 days. Ganesha or Ganpati is welcomed into homes and massive pandals in the form of beautiful clay idols. In fact, there are several pandals in Mumbai, which compete against one another, by setting up larger and more impressive idols; there are also prizes to be won for the best pandal. It is a time for devotion and prayer with individual households organising an evening aarti with songs and hymns. Women dress up in the best of their saris and jewellery and make beautiful rangolis outside their homes. This is also a time for family gatherings, visiting friends, relatives and neighbours.
The idol immersion days are the first, third, seventh and tenth days. The immersion ceremony is another grand affair where devotees carry the idol in joyous processions accompanied by thumping music and dancing to the beats of the dhol. Devotees throw gulal at one another and perform a final aarti before immersing the idol in a water body like a lake or sea. The Ganpati festival in Maharashtra, especially Mumbai, is equivalent to the Durga Puja celebrations in Kolkata, West Bengal.
Celebrations Beyond Borders
This is one religious festival that is celebrated with equal fervor in India and abroad. The festivities among the Indian population in UK,USA and Canada is well known. The Hindu community in London and Liverpool organise puja pandals, prayers and prasad for devotees. This festival is particularly popular in Pennsylvania, Philadelphia as well as in Vancouver in Canada.

Sunday 4 September 2016

All of us have been students at some stage of our life and have benefited from our teachers. Celebration of Teachers' Day is a wonderful opportunity especially for all of us to show our gratitude and appreciation to our teachers. Teachers are the best minds in the country, who work hard day & night to make their students shine. A teacher is a store house of Knowledge, Wisdom & patience, who does not expect results of her efforts after a day’s work, but has to wait for long, maybe for twenty years or so to see her tree bear fruits. Hats off to their patience, Teachers are the greatest asset of our society.

So let’s all be grateful to our Teachers on this Teacher’s Day, who have given their lives to imparting knowledge to us with a selfless motive and made us stand where we are today.

No matter what hour of the day
You were always there for me,
Lending your helping hand
To correct my mistakes,
to guide me through the journey of life….