Monday 12 September 2016

Pokemon Go is a wildly popular AR (augmented reality) game from Nintendo that has become a social media and pop culture craze. Millions of people are playing Pokemon Go to “catch Pokemon” with their smartphones -- but this is no ordinary video game. Pokemon Go offers a unique new video game format that combines mobile technology with real-life locations. Pokemon Go is a wildly popular AR (augmented reality) game from Nintendo that has become a social media and pop culture craze. Millions of people are playing Pokemon Go to “catch Pokemon” with their smartphones -- but this is no ordinary video game. Pokemon Go offers a unique new video game format that combines mobile technology with real-life locations. Players can find, “lure” and catch Pokemon at real-life locations, requiring them to explore their local neighborhoods, cities, parks and public spaces. Pokemon Go is creating surprising new types of connections and human interactions, and the full impact of this type of game on the way people live, communicate and shop could be quite profound.

Even if you don't know what a "Pokemon" is, this is an exciting time for anyone in the marketing and sales field. Pokemon Go is a sign of the growing convergence between mobile technology and real life interaction, and there are surprising implications here for the way companies market and sell. The rise of  it and augmented reality technology is going to make it possible for people to interact in new ways that blur the boundaries of “online” and real life, and this is going to require new levels of innovation and creativity from sales and marketing strategies.

Pokémon GO is generating almost $3 million a day from in-app purchases for a total of $233 million by the end of last month.

Digital marketing is already moving at frightening speed. The popularity of augmented reality is going to create a great buzz in the digital advertising market…
You can also make use of POKEMON GO for your  local business promotion:
Ø Generate Pokestops near your business.
Ø Most pokestops are near gyms so host gym battle tournaments.
Ø Use social media ads by giving discounts on pokemon clicks at your store.
Ø Host a poke-hunt. Start and end the hunt at your store and gain popularity…

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