Friday 23 September 2016

Strange way to enhance the results: Take Breaks!!!

Working for continuous hours can cause boredom, even in our most interesting tasks and can hinder our work performance. Basically, the human brain just wasn’t built for the extended focus we ask of it these days. Our brains are vigilant all the time because they evolved to detect tons of different changes to ensure our very survival. So focusing so hard on one thing for a long time isn’t something we’re ever going to be great at (at least for a few centuries).The good news is that the fix for this unfocused condition is simple—all we need is a brief interruption (aka a break) to get back on track.
Breaks help us retain information and make connections: Studies have shown that the mind solves its stickiest problems while daydreaming—something you may have experienced while driving or taking a shower. Breakthroughs that seem to come out of nowhere are often the product of diffuse mode thinking.
Breaks help us re-evaluate our goals: When you work on a task continuously, it’s easy to lose focus and get lost in the weeds. In contrast, following a brief intermission, picking up where you left off forces you to take a few seconds to think globally about what you’re ultimately trying to achieve. It’s a practice that encourages us to stay mindful of our objectives…
This awesome concept has been used by “KITKAT” from years to sell chocolates. KitKat first introduced its 'Have a break, have a KitKat' strapline way back in 1958. Since then the brand has thrived off its connection with taking a break in a hectic world and has often used humour to get this message across. Until relatively recently, TV, print and billboard ads delivered the message to the public, identifying key ‘little annoyances’ and suggesting that people should remedy them with a break and naturally…a KitKat. Further “KITKAT” has embedded this concept with the most innovative ads.
Take a break and enjoy your surroundings

Take a break,and feel refreshed

Take a break,and get funsome ideas
Keeping a flow with the increase in innovations in technology and popularity of social media, “KITKAT” is launching a new app that gives social media users a break by posting status updates on their behalf. Social Break automatically sends status updates to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. It is currently available for free at
Now you can take social media break with- "KITKAT"

The success of “KITKAT” is contributed by consistency of the central idea but great innovations in advertising. Innovative advertisements create enthusiasm in the customer for the product and sells it with ease...
Gemini Advertising is also working towards achieving the customer satisfaction by composure and direction of experience and blending it with dedication towards building the most innovative and promising advertisements.

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